Administration Head’s Desk
Vidya Niketan Sr. Sec. school Alipur
Administration Head’s Desk
Dear parents, guardians & Vidya Niketan family. Welcome to the Vidya Niketan School website. I am very fortunate to work with many dedicated, innovative and caring staff members, parents and students. Each day is filled with new experience, learning for all and the ability to make someone’s day better.Our staff always follows current trends and collaboration with administration. One of the largest areas of growth is the increased use of technology. We have a powerful potential in our youth and we must have the courage to change old ideas & practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends. Please take a moment and visit our school’s website. As always feel free to contact me for any concern.
Vidya Niketan school is a proud mission driven community providing a world class education, celebrating the fact that each student is different, as a person and as a learner. We believe that powerful learning and teaching occurs under a shared spirit of respect which creates a passionate schooling experience recognized for its warmth, energy and excellence. Here people are valued and can fulfill their potential both as teachers and learners.
Enjoy your day

Shri Chandrapal Dagar