Transport Facilities
Vidya Niketan Sr. Sec. school Alipur
Transport Facilities
Vidya Niketan Sr Sec school Transport Facilities
Vidya Niketan Sr Sec. school Alipur provides transport facility to the students through its own buses for bringing in students from different localities to the school and vice versa. Bus charges have to be paid quarterly along with the school fees.First Aid Box, Fire Extinguisher and lady attendant are made available in all the buses for the safety of children. The need for safe passage of each child to school and back home is of paramount importance to us. To ensure safe travel the school has its own fleet of school buses designed as per standards and trained drivers and personnel sensitized to the needs of small children. For supervision and monitoring a transport attendant is on board throughout the journey. Mobile phones have been provided in each bus that ensures efficiency in terms of service and better communication in case of emergencies. Besides ensuring the implementation of the safety norms all staff on the bus is well trained in first aid and emergency management.

Rules Governing Transport Facility :
- Transport service is an optional service facilitated and outsourced by the school .
- The school bus facility available to the student cannot be expected or demanded as a matter of right.
- A student shall be refused the bus facility if involved in damage to the bus property.
- Discontinuation of bus facility will only be allowed term wise. Bus facility cannot be discontinued for any particular month.
- The school has taken utmost care for the safety and convenience of the students.
- The School management and School Principal shall no way interfere with the decisions taken by the Transport dept. for the smooth functioning of the transport service for the students.